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Nintendo Dominates The Game Awards 2023 With 15 Nominations

Big News for Gaming Fans! 🎮 Nintendo has rocked the gaming world by grabbing the top spot at The Game Awards 2023. They've got a whopping 15 nominations! That's more than big names like Sony, Microsoft, Valve, and Ubisoft. Imagine that!

Zelda Leads the Charge! 🌟 The show's star is "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom." It's a fantastic new game and a follow-up to the much-loved "Breath of the Wild." This game alone scored eight nominations. We're talking big awards like Game of the Year and Best Game Direction. It's set to hit the shelves on December 15, 2023, just for the Nintendo Switch.

Metroid Dread Makes a Mark! 👾 Another big hit from Nintendo is "Metroid Dread." This game is a thrilling adventure with the famous bounty hunter Samus Aran. It's grabbed four nominations. Jennifer Hale, who voices Samus, is up for Best Performance. That's pretty awesome!

More Fun from Nintendo! 🎉 But wait, there's more! Nintendo's got nominations for family fun with "Mario Party Superstars," a mobile hit with "Pokemon Unite," a cool VR game with "Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit," and even an esports favorite with "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate."

Don't Miss the Show! đŸ“ē The Game Awards 2023 is going to be a blast. You can watch it live in 4K on December 7. And guess what? You can vote for your favorite games on The Game Awards website or use #TheGameAwards on social media. A mix of fan votes and expert opinions will pick the winners.

So, are you excited? It will be a big night for Nintendo and all the gaming fans! 🌟🕹ī¸